Seaweed Structure


Air Bladder

Air bladder is known as hollow, gas filled structures. These help to keep the photosynthetic structures of the seaweed buoyant so they are able to absorb energy from the sun.

Seaweed Blade

The blade refers to the leaves of the seaweed. Its main function is to provide a large surface for sunlight to be absorbed. In some species of seaweed, the blade also supports the reproductive structures of the plant. Some seaweed have only one blade, which may be divided while other species have a number of blades.


Stipe is the stem or stalk of a seaweed. Its function is to support the rest of seaweed plant. The structures of the stipe varies among the different types of seaweed, they can be flexible, stiff, solid, gas-filled, very long, short or sometimes even completely absent.

Seaweed Fruiting Bodies

Fruiting bodies that are mature become dry, leathery and when it is disturbed, sends out puffs of powdery spores through a hole at the top. The gigantic puffball, Calavatia gigantean, one of the many species that are able to eat when immature, grows as big as 1.2 m or 4 ft wide.


Holdfast is a root like structure that holds it to the rocky bottom. Holdfast is necessary for water and nutrients uptake, but it is needed as an anchor. Holdfast is made up of many fingerlike projections called haptera.


Thallus is a way of saying the entire body of the plant, from top to bottom of the seaweed.